1. Application for (please tick the appropriate box √):

Membership Category *


Languages Certificed (i.e. from Chinese into English) *

2. Personal Details

Personal Photo *
Please select a file less than 10M to upload

    Title (please tick the appropriate box √):

    Radio *


    Given Name: *

    Family Name : *

    Other Name:

    Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy): *

    Chinese Name (if any):

    Gender (please tick the appropriate box) *


    HKID No. :

    Passport/Other Proof of Identity No. (for non‐Hong Kong Residents)


    3. Contact Details

    Correspondence Address

    Tel. (Day/Work) :




    4. Languages

    Mother‐tongue Language:

    Third Language:

    Second Language:

    Other (please specify):

    5. Educational Qualifications

    Please list your educational qualifications in chronological order. Please include information on awarding institution, course & qualification, and date of award. *

    6. Professional Memberships

    Please list your professional membership in chronological order. Please include information on institution, membership type, membership started year and membership expires year, and method of admission(by exam, accreditation, etc) *

    7. Publications

    Please list your publications and/or presented conference papers in chronological order *

    8. Occupation/Professional Practice

    Company/Organisation Name

    Job Description

    Duration (mm/yy) From _____ /______ to _____ /______

    Company/Organisation Name

    Job Description

    Duration (mm/yy) From _____ /______ to _____ /______

    9. Declaration

    ‐ I declare that the information provided for this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

    ‐ I undertake, if admitted to membership, to observe the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Institute and such other rules and regulations as may be promulgated and amended by the Institute from time to time.

    ‐ The data provided in this form will be used by the Institute to assess my eligibility for membership and award me the appropriate category of membership.

    Signature *

    Date *

    10. Upload

    Please upload copy of your Identification Documents (i.e. ID card, passport, etc.)here.
    Please select a file smaller than 10m to upload

      Please upload copies of your academic qualification certificates here.
      Please select a file smaller than 10m to upload

        Please upload copies of your professional qualification certificates here.
        Please select a file smaller than 10m to upload

          Please upload your English test results here.
          Please select a file smaller than 10m to upload

            Please upload other supporting documents here.
            Please select a file smaller than 10m to upload

              11. Membership Payment *


              Membership Application Form



              If you prefer to join on paper, please click to download the HKIT Membership Application in PDF format.